Tonight, there will be a gathering of old friends from school. Impromptu gathering with no notice at all. The persons attending would be WS, CC, WF and CP. The gathering is at WF's house.
It all started off with WF telling that she has hurt her leg thus she's not working today. Then WS wanted to visit her and then I asked WS to ask CC to tag along. Next, WF asked CP to join. It so simple and there's no need to give an early notice.
The sad thing is that I won't be able to join them tonight as I have other things to do. Even though they voluntereed to wait until 9 something but I don't think they would knowing that tonight is a working day. Too bad I can't join them.
Sometimes it's hard to be me.. got attachments....
Anyway if they happen to read this.... enjoy yourselves...........
So why LRT in Penang?
1 week ago