Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Death Death Death

This week is fulled of news of death either in actual life or in tv shows.

Teoh Beng Hock a young chap died mysteriously while being held by MACC and in tv shows, Kutner a character from House killed himself.

Both are successful young persons who have died young. Both have rendered their services unconditionally to the public. Both died unnaturally.

I don't know Teoh Beng Hock, I came to know about him because he was in the news.....

As for Kutner, I knew his character inside out coz I folllowed House. He was a funny guy, a friend and would never give up easily. I can easily relate to this guy as somehow he was a lot like me. The sad thing is that nobody knows that he was going to kill himself. Everyone saw him doing a lot of things but not that.

Both families and friends never saw their death, never expected them to die so early.

Just now, I took a quiz of when will I die. It answered Oct 20th, 2025.. another 16 more years. Still, one might never know, the minute I log off I might be killed by a fallen hammer or a fallen pot, have a heart attack or met with an accident. Thus, I have to learn to live my life fully, never take things for granted for I know the clock is tickling counting down.