Well, today 31st August 2009, another balloon has flown away. This time the criteria is that dishonest. It's always the dishonesty that breaks off relationship between 2 persons.
Why can't people be honest? I understand honesty hurts but at least it is not as hurtful than dishonesty. Dishonesty can at the worst can kill a person or dampens a person's confidence in facing challenges is life.
I have encountered a lot of dishonest people in life and so far it haven't kill me yet but it will sooner or later.
I am watching Ghost Whisperer season 3 now. There's one episode in which the ghost is haunting the living, doing the things just to make sure that person know what the ghost felt, why she didn't cross over. I wish I can make them know how I felt and how I wanted them to suffer twice the hurt they have caused. I know, it very unBuddhist of me but this is how I felt right now...betrayed over and over again.
So why LRT in Penang?
1 week ago