Ever had that feeling that you want to give up and leave everything just as it is. Well, I've been there many times. Just feel like throw in the towel and just walk away........
Occasionally I did not walk away, instead I stayed and fight on. Surfing through the net today, Ive found a story which might inspire U and me.....
Read on...
Never Give Up
In 1832, he was a 22-year old business failure.
That same year he ran for the legislature and was defeated.
In 1833, he was a business failure once again.
In 1836, he was said to have suffered a nervous breakdown.
In 1838, he lost in an effort to become Speaker of the Housein the State Legislature.
Five years later, he ran for Congress--again it was in vain.
In 1846, he ran for Congress and won--- only to lose his re-election bid in 1848.
He ran for the Senate in 1854, and lost.
He ran for the Vice-presidential nomination in 1856, and lost that too.
In 1860, he became the 16th President of the United States.
Honest Abe Lincoln
How about it?? If he did it, why can't I?????????
So why LRT in Penang?
1 week ago