This morning, for the 1st time of all my working days in the camp, I didn't go towork. Normally, I am the first one to wake up and the last one to sleep. Today I decided to sleep it off. Felt disheartened that's why I don't want to wake up and slept until nearly noon. When I finally I wake up, I took my own sweet time to take bath.....hehehehe....
Then i sat on the porch observing the trees, the wind and the birds. I told myself that I don't get to c this in Kl.. Everywhere u c would be high rise buildings.
Ding.... a realization came into my mind. Why waste the present moment thinking about the negative things, why not enjoy the NOW moment? Why worried about the future? Why lingered at the past? Why not live at the PRESENT moment??? If lived at the NOW moment then I won't be worrying about the future and thinking of the past......
So why LRT in Penang?
1 week ago