It's now 21th Jan 2010. I am into 3rd week of the new year and this is my new post.
I have been extremely busy with my work of setting up a standard operation procedure for a friend of mine and I didn't realise how time flies.
Let me recap what has happened during this past 3 weeks..
1. A friend in Penang finally landed a job in the hotel
2. A lady friend finally realise her dream of having a hybrid prius
3. A person who used to be my friend said he befriended me only because of money.... %*#&$
4. I cannot trust a person completely coz I might get hurt or stab in the back
5. I cannot trust politicians because they can never be honest, truthful and reliable
6. Some people think that they are the king of the world and never respect the rest of us
7. A smile can go a long way
8. People will betray each another for the sake of money
9. My 3 kittens have become young adult cats...
So why LRT in Penang?
1 week ago