This morning, there was a heavy rain. It's like the heaven is crying for something. For several days, the dogs are also crying at night. If this was a horror story, it would be scary. Anyway, as I was browsing the Facebook, I chance upon a posting posted by a Filipino friend. She posted a series of photos on Maguindanao Massacre. I won't be posting her photos here because they were quite graphic. Definitely not for those who have weak heart and stomach.
Here's the snippet of that story.
The morning of November 3, 2009 spells one of the most tragic and bloody conflict in Maguindanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Basing on the reports, 13 women, 8 men and counting 34 journalists were ambushed and murdered while on their way to submit their candidacy for Esmael Mangudadatu to the local Commission on Elections (Comelec) in the office of Maguindanao. Mr. Mangudadatu is challenging mayor Andal Ampatuan, Jr. for gubernatorial seat.
Come on, the men and women were killed for a simple election. It they were killed by gunshots, it's kind of humane way to die but to be hacked by chainshaw and bashed to death... well...the murderers are not human at all. Everybody is born the same way through the conception in the mother's womb, then the period of carrying the fertilised eggs for 9 months and finally, through the not fun process of laboring, bring forth a human being. Everybody has a mother and a father and NOBODY deserve to die this way.
The purpose of this massacre is because that group was on the way to submit a candicacy. Just to think, to maintain or to obtain powers and moneys, just resort to killing another human life. Is there all there is about life? Power and Money. When did human become so low life? U know if we are not careful, this could happen in Malaysia, my home. I have seen corruptions everywhere to maintain power and money. It won't be long, this massacre would happen here. Remember, the infamous Mona Fandey who beheaded Mazlan Idris in 1993, all for the money.
Sometimes, when people wants more money and power, they don't go for murder, they just use 'black magic'. Before this, I haven't seen one in action. Recently, I did a lot research on why some men are so attentive to the opposite sex that they would leave their normal life to lead a new unknown life. Hahaha basically, I am talking about the janda I knew. I just heard that she and my 'friend' are back together although both of them denied it. One day, I was browsing through internet looking and I chance upon this...
Nasi KangKang, literally means Squatting Rice. It's some sort of love potion made for men. It was believed that after eating the rice, the man was bound to abide entirely by the woman's wishes. His mind will be reset and zombified. Any of the woman's wishes such as, "buy me a diamond" would be fulfilled immediately. How to make it? for the answer through Internet.
I suspect that this janda has given him this specially made rice. If you know how it is made, it would want to make you puke and he's happilly eating away....YUCKS!!!!!
Well... this is the world I am living in.
So why LRT in Penang?
1 week ago