Written in only 260 Chinese characters, The Heart Sutra contains the most profound wisdom in Buddhism, as illustrated in Prajnaparamita. Here, Buddhism is presented as the accumulated wisdom of "enlightened ones" who contemplated the trials and mysteries of life. In today's world, where serenity seems to be both desirable and unattainable, on how to achieve spiritual cultivation can be immediately applied in daily living, and furthermore provides practical guidelines for disciplining the mind and behavior.
Here's the video to show an example to illustrate the above statement
the story relates of how a man took pity on this old donkey, and tied it to the tree to let it rest; as it was habitual for the donkey to go around the mill, the donkey trots around the tree...morale of the story: eat when one eats, sleep when one sleeps. live every moment without a thought of the burdens of the past; live every moment without a thought of anticipation into the future... =)
So why LRT in Penang?
1 week ago